If I Ruled the World Project
Where the youth can have a voice, share ideas, and make change.
If I Ruled the World I would make freedom of speech more accessible to the youth because I feel like kids don’t have the ability, support, or means to say what they want and fight for what they believe in.
We need to encourage the youth to have a voice because they are the generation who have the capacity to make a change.
I think this can be done by getting kids to participate in clubs like Debate Mate because it encourages us to take charge and talk about how to solve today's problems and make the world a better place.
If I ruled the world I would help people in Africa get clean food and water.
I could do this by sending helpers with water purifiers and food like fruits, vegetables and canned goods.
Many of them currently have nothing to eat or drink and have to get their food from farm animals or drink dirty water which can make them get cholera.
I really want to help them because I often think about how I have access to things like water yet many other people in the world do not and I think that's unfair.

If I Ruled the World I would distribute money to all the people of the world who need it.
I would use that money to help the people of China who are treated poorly by companies such as Foxconn. These people can use that money to get better working conditions or more income to support their families.
If I Ruled the World I would give every Syrian refugee the chance to live in America. This is important to me because my family is currently in Syria while the war is going on and I always feel worried about them.
Whenever I read the news I feel terrified because I’m always scared that my family might be hurt.
I think it is important to help Syrian refugees because I know that if I was in Syria with all of these attacks, I would want to be saved.
Just think to yourself; If you had relatives in Syria, how would you feel if they were killed?

If I Ruled the World I would make sure everyone gets a certain amount of money when they are born that would go to their career when they are older.
I think this is a good idea because it will help them do what they want without having to worry about money.
If I Ruled the World I would end poverty because there are a lot of people who are out on the streets suffering right now because they lack food and water and are asking people for money.
I feel like we need to make a change and help these people because nobody deserves to be homeless and poor.
We can try to do this by creating a website that collects and distributes money to people living on the streets.
If I Ruled the World I would end poverty because it’s really sad to see people go without the basic things that we have. You see people who are homeless and they have no one to talk to and that's just wrong.
If I ruled the world I would purchase resources and donate them to my home country of Somali because the people in my village are very ill and I want to help them and make sure they are healthy.

If I Ruled the World, I would set up a system where everyone had equal opportunities to get educated and get a job.
The problem is not that people are lazy, it's that they were left behind and never given the chance to apply themselves.

If I ruled the world I would end world hunger.
Currently, the United States makes enough food to feed everyone in the entire world each year but a lot of that food goes to waste and I think that's wrong.

If I Ruled the World, I would create a country that is completely powered by solar energy.
I want use that clean energy to create mechanics that can help people without harming the environment.
"If I Ruled the World I would send resources to poor countries so that they could support their people when they were in poverty or sick"
"If I Ruled the World I would end poverty and support middle class families. I would also work to give everyone a free college education. I would also work to give all people a home. I would also give animals their homes back by stopping pollution. Because the water is getting very polluted and it's unsafe."
"If I Ruled the World I would stop the production of all slaughter houses. I would also shut down Sea-World. I would also ban animal testing and let the people in poverty go to school"
"If I Ruled the World then I would end world hunger and have world peace. I would first end world hunger because there are too many kids in this world starving and not having a good life at all. I would also have world peace because having all these battles in our world are not gonna' get us anywhere."

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
What is the If I Ruled the World Project?
."What would you do if you ruled the world?"
When asked "what kind of world do you want to live in?" We're faced with the task of envisioning the "ideal" world - the world that WE want.
We're left wondering: "Where has our world thrived? Where has it failed? And what more can be done?"
Right now there are over 1.8 billion young people living on this earth - the highest number that has ever existed in history!
By harnessing their passion, wit, and creativity, we can empower the youth to be a true force for change that can make our world better.
By providing our students with a platform to voice their ideas, the If I Ruled the World Project seeks to cultivate dialogue between the youth, their mentors, and members of government in order to foster partnerships and ideas that can someday improve our world.